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Welcome to the website of the 'Kaktus-Klub' journal editorial board. The journal appears quarterly and contains information for those who are keen on cacti and other succulent plants. Here you can subscribe to the journal, read previous volumes, purchase seeds, plants and books on the topic.
Kaktus-Klub ¹1-2004
I. Vassilyeva Flowers in Cactaceae
W.A. & B. Fitz Maurice Mammillaria nana, a new look
D. Parker Starting all over again
S. Malyh Macrograph
J. Halda On blossfeldias
E. Erokhin Cacti and other succulents in Nikitsky Botanical Garden
N. Schelkunova Illustrated Mini-Encyclopedia of Cacti & Succulents
V. Zlotin Panarotto-2003
J. Jilemicky Haworthia tessellata Haw
I. Tchernodola “Grusonia”
A. Luethy R. Dicht The Coryphantha elephantidens Group
Tashkent (Uzbekistan) cactus club “Apricus”
A. Valenzuela G. Nabhan Species of agaves used for tequila over the last century
L. Schelomitckaja Unusual flowering of gymnocalycium
V. Moukhachov Define this plant!

Photo reports
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